Great news!
Registry-Office weddings have now been outsourced to selected celebrants in your chosen area. You no longer go to the Department of Internal Affairs office, or your local ‘courthouse’ – you can now have a Registry-style wedding at a location of your choice, by arrangement with a celebrant who is authorised to conduct this type of ceremony.
First step is to decide where in New Zealand you want the wedding to take place. Then, when you apply for your marriage licence, follow the path for a Registry Office wedding – you’ll have the opportunity to select a celebrant based on your chosen location. The celebrant will be sent the relevant paperwork within 2-3 days, and will then get in touch with you to make the arrangements.
You can agree on a venue when you contact the celebrant. This may be at a beach, or another outdoor setting, at your own home, or at the celebrant’s home or office, or you could hire a meeting room at a shared workspace. Whatever suits you and your celebrant.
A registry ceremony has a set cost and standard vows, and you have to have it on a weekday, and not a weekend or public holiday. There are two set ceremonies to choose from, plus a te reo version of both. You need to provide two witnesses, and you can have a small number of other guests if you wish. A perfect scenario for the current times.