A perfectly small wedding under COVID-19 Level 2

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COVID-19 – the perfect excuse for a small wedding ...

How to prune the guest list is one of the perennial topics on wedding chat groups. Guests = money, and when you haven’t seen Uncle Charlie since you were two years old, do you really want to add him to your wedding list? Or, all the cousins AND their partners, not to mention their out-of-control children? COVID-19 gives couples the perfect opportunity to opt for a small wedding (okay, a very very tiny wedding), while pretending that, under different circumstances, you would have invited absolutely EVERYONE!

Under our current Level 2 conditions, a wedding can consist of no more than 10 people, including the bride, groom and celebrant. That leaves enough for two sets of parents, two supporters, and one spare––maybe the photographer? Any two of these can be the witnesses. And with no after-party allowed, your group of 10 can proceed to a restaurant to finish off your day with some fine dining. A small but special day, and at the end of it you will be MARRIED, which is really the point of the whole exercise.


Think of the money and stress you will save!  Then further down the track, when life has hopefully returned to normal, you can have a big bash to celebrate, without the “wedding” tag attached to it, which automatically ensures the cost will be way cheaper, and no need to invite Uncle Charlie, who will have forgotten all about you again by then.